
diagnostic car tool

Tips on how to Troubleshoot a 2001 Ford Escape XLT 4WD 1Find the diagnostic port on your Escape by feeling around the driver's side foot well, above the location where your proper knee will be in case you had been within the driver's seat.

The diagnostic port will probably be marked with OBD2 and can be roughly two inches in width.2Plug the code scanning tool in to the diagnostic port, then turn your ignition to begin the car or towards the "Accessories" position if the engine is not going to start Vehicle Diagnostic equipment.

3Allow the code scanning tool to pick up error codes which might be becoming sent out by the diagnostic pc diagnostic car tool.4Perform a search online for the error codes, or bring the error codes to an automobile parts retailer, mechanic, or Ford dealership. Now which you know what has malfunctioned inside your Escape, you can begin repairs.

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